Good consistent hair quality and out of this world, outstanding customer service. We learnt a long time ago

that the hair business is brutal and the only way to survive for a long time is to offer good quality hair every single time.

You see my dear friend, without good quality, you are nothing! and you will go out of business faster than you can say weave.

Well, lets do some math….. I like math because it makes your job and my job easier.

Let say you acquire about 15 hair weave customers a month so that means after about a year you have

15*12(months)= 180 customers per year

The average customer buys about 3 packs of hair weave for a whole head sew in and they buy that about every 3 months.

So lets say each customer buy quarterly which is 3*4=12 packs of hair per year per customer

Lets do the math to see the amount of weaves that could be sold in a year,

180 customers * 12 packs each customer buys annually =2160 weaves sold in a year

Now lets say you make just $35 profit of each weave, total profit in one year would be (2160 weaves*35)

TOTAL PROFIT WOULD BE $75,600!!! I am talking total PROFIT here NOT total sales!

I know quite a few salon owners and hair stylists that make a lot of money selling hair weave extensions,

the truth is lets say you made even half of that? What could you do with an extra $37,800?

What is holding you back. You can start today or you can wait a year from now and wish you had started today to

change your life!

Remember you are already approved for a wholesale account with  Click THE SHOP NOW BUTTON  AND START YOUR OWN VIRGIN HAIR BUSINESS TODAY.




I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Dream big. Take action.

Julia Strunk
1-855-500-4321  Ext 3 (Toll-free)


P.S. I hope you’ve gotten a lot out of what I’ve shared with you for free over the past few days. My hopes in doing that were to open your eyes to what I know and how much our company wants you to succeed. We know your success is really our success and we are all about SUCCESS!!


I truly love helping others and I want to see you succeed with this. Going back to my first email… “Your Life Changes NOW.”

Decide to change.

5 thoughts on “Your Own 65k per year Hair Weave Business? Say What?

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